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Mid Year Check-In

So, remember when I said I planned to be doing more blog posts on here this year? Well, somehow it's already July and I have so much to get y'all caught up on!

We have had some big changes around here. We have moved from New York to New Jersey and are absolutely loving it. MJ is growing faster than we can keep up with and is such a happy, curious girl. Scoot has lots of new windows to guard from, turned 11 (!)

this year, and all of us have new places to explore. I'm especially enjoying a place that feels like it could be home for a little while, which is huge. One of the ways that I feel like I'm settling in here is finding my yarny community. There's a local yarn store that is wonderful and close enough to get to with baby girl in tow (shoutout to Yarnia!), and Project Linus meet ups at my local library. And with nap schedules mostly normalized, I actually have time to create and work during the day. I've started my gorgeous Captiva Crop using Terrapin Fiberworks'

Haight Street colorway and it really glows. I've released one pattern so far this year, and it's a really sweet make. I'm making slow progress on Melody's Temperature Blanket in between projects with quick deadlines. I've tested patterns for 2 designers that I haven't worked with before. And I'm currently working on MJ's and my cosplay for ComicCon- I'm doing a Crochet Barbie and she'll be Mayday from Across the Spider-verse. I can't wait to show you how cute we are modeling these makes!

I can never decide if summer feel like a time to relax, or our busiest season, but I do know is that things around here are getting sweeter all the time. Hopefully it won't be months before my next update, but don't forget that you have keep up with me on YouTube and Instagram too. Until then, catch you later!

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